Why Does Workforce Australia Provide Employment Support For CALD?

Australia’s community is made up of individuals who were born in another country, had a parent who was born abroad or spoke many languages. These individuals collectively are called culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) societies. It could be difficult and isolating to adjust to a new culture, way of life, and language. The reasons for migrating, jobs, economic and social pressure, fluency in English, and cultural variations between Australia and the user’s birth culture may all impact this.

All Australians, not only those receiving income support, will get employment support through Workforce Australia and Workforce Australia Online to help them find, stay, and switch careers or start their businesses. It will establish commercial relationships with people and offer personalised case management based on each person’s requirements.

How Can Workforce Australia Help CALD?

The employment support for CALD will be provided by Workforce Australia, making it easier for people to transition into or towards stable work. It will: 

  • Assist qualified persons in gaining access to assistance online or through solutions provided by suppliers to their unique requirements.
  • Aid providers help those who need more assistance by sending those prepared for employment to online resources.
  • Help employers find employees with the needed talents, enabling a more effective hiring process.

People who have been recommended for workforce development will schedule a meeting with a member of the Services Australia team. Suppose a person is qualified for internet services but would get assistance from Workforce Australia’s job service provider. In that case, they can choose not to use them by calling the department’s contact centre or themselves.

What Are the Advantages of CALD Workplaces? 

To get the most excellent job from your staff, provide them with the necessary tools. Creating an atmosphere that promotes cooperation, welcomes novel and unconventional ideas, and gives everyone a sense of security and support at work is part of this empowerment.

Below are the advantages provided by CALD workplaces: 

  • Recognise Australia’s multicultural consumers.
  • Utilising their linguistic and cultural expertise, they can deliver superior customer service.
  • Enabling access to new networks and market areas
  • Extend to other markets worldwide.
  • To better serve customers from Asian origins, Australian banks and companies frequently hire personnel who can understand Asian languages to operate in their Chinatown branches.
  • If you own an organic vegetable store, a worker with experience in small farming may get along with local vendors and appreciate and learn supply difficulties better than someone from an urban region.

Among the advantages of partnering with CALD personnel are:

  • provide workplace guidelines and training that encourage cultural sensitivity
  • organise lunches and other gatherings to recognise workplace diversity and to invite staff to talk about their backgrounds and experiences.
  • put up mentorship programmes that pair up workers from various locations to promote communication
  • find out the dates of important religious and cultural holidays and events so you can prepare for festivities at work and be prepared for leave requests.

Employment Support for CALD Workers

A community with varied ethnicities, languages, customs, faiths, nations and socioeconomic systems is a linguistically diverse group (CALD). Employees with CALDs may require additional communication, education, and supervisory assistance at work.

To assist in overcoming obstacles and acquiring the necessary skills to find a job, Workforce Australia offers programmes and employment support for CALD.

Informational support

Workers with CALD and job for non English speakers may need extra assistance to comprehend information. Support for accessible languages ought to be provided by:

  • supplying resources in the language of the employees’ choice
  • assisting and supporting through a different member of the same language firm’s staff.
  • access to and assistance in attending English language lessons, as well as the use of translation and interpretation services


Consultations can take the form of hands-on demonstrations, one-on-one coaching, or question-and-answer sessions in groups. The chosen approach must consider its employees’ demands and skills. 

  • delivering textual translations in the native tongue of the employee
  • interpreting pictures, symbols, and signals
  • arranging extra sessions with an interpreter in the employee’s native language.


The method by which Workforce Australia interacts with CALD workers should be customised. Consider combining written material with one of the ways mentioned above, or providing translated resources, as written material is frequently tricky. Here are several various strategies that might be helpful, while keeping in mind that it’s preferable to combine them:

  • Face-to-face communication may be helpful in comprehension checks since it enables quick detection and clarification of any doubt. Always use straightforward, plain language that gets to the point. 
  • Practical examples are used to demonstrate a task to a worker. You might ask the employee to show the duty to ensure they have comprehended your instructions to verify their knowledge.
  • An excellent approach to communicating over a language barrier is via visual aids like pictogram-based safety signage. 


When trying to get into the workforce, people from CALD backgrounds encounter a great number of obstacles. Some of the most significant barriers include a lack of culturally appropriate employment support for CALD provision, job for non-English speaker, difficulty accessing or limited awareness of language services, cultural prejudice, and unfavourable views of employers towards people with CALD origins. However, Workforce Australia recognises the value of the knowledge and expertise that people from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background can bring to work. As a result, they want to promote and support individuals interested in applying for jobs with coherence.