Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening

Many people restrain from speaking or smiling with confidence because of tooth discoloration. Studies reveal that there is a direct connection between a white smile and professional & personal success in life. Everyone will be ready to share a bright smile with confidence. It makes sense. If you are planning a visit to the dental clinic for teeth whitening, then here are some common FAQs shared to help you make an informed decision. 

Why do teeth turn yellowish?

Teeth color is affected by everyone’s lifestyle as well as genetics. Drinking red wine or coffee can tobacco eating can stain enamel and dentin. This discolors your teeth. Fortunately, these stains can be removed via a teeth whitening procedure. 

Cypress TX teeth whitening at the Orion Dental Specialties office can help you take away the unsightly stains accumulated for years.

What are the options for teeth whitening?

There are OTC mouth rinses, kinds of toothpaste, and whitening strips but professional teeth whitening surpasses the results. The benefits of getting in-office teeth whitened are that it is safe for the enamel and more effective in obtaining the whiteness level in comparison.

After a single application in-office treatment yields good results, which can take weeks with store-bought kits. The dentist applies bleaching gel on the teeth and is left there for 20 minutes. The process is repeated three times depending on how quickly your teeth get the necessary white shade. 

Custom At-Home trays are similar to in-office treatment. You apply it at home but is a weak concentration and takes 2 weeks of tray wearing for one hour daily to attain the right white shade.

Whitening toothpaste can help lighten teeth but the results may differ from the above two methods. The toothpaste includes the whitening gel, which is not as potent. It eliminates the surface stains. 

What is the difference between whitening, bleaching, and stain-lifting?

The terms whitening, bleaching, and stain-lifting are used interchangeably. Nevertheless, there are some distinctions. The stain lifting process includes lifting stains off your teeth. During the whitening and bleaching process, this occurs. The whitening process eliminates discoloration and helps teeth regain their natural white color. Alternatively, bleaching is an in-depth whitening process, which helps teeth get beyond the natural white color.

How often do whiten teeth after the first treatment?

You can Google for teeth whitening near me and book an appointment. Generally, even your family dentist at the Orion Dental Specialties can help. After you attain the desired brightness level, there will be no need for a touch-up for more than a year. 

It all depends on your lifestyle habits and oral hygiene care. For example, people who smoke or drink excessive coffee or wine will need to touch up their smile every six months, during normal oral health checkups. 

What to do if teeth get sensitive after whitening?

Make sure to use products as recommended by the dentist and follow their instructions to lessen the possibility of sensitivity after the teeth whitening process. Avoid cold and hot food as well as sour or sweet dishes. Switch to ADA recommended toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. 

It is a temporary issue, which will go away. If you experience lasting sensitivity or inflammation then stop the whitening process. Even if there is minor sensitivity, discuss it with the dentist, so they can make changes in the product or schedule.

Can other dental issues address after teeth whitening?

People experiencing oral health problems like gum disease, tooth decay, damaged teeth or loss of permanent teeth must address these first. Tooth discoloration because of health issues or decay will not respond to whitening agents but weaken the fragile teeth. The dentist will recommend treating other dental issues before scheduling a teeth whitening session. 

Whiteners only change natural teeth color, therefore dentists recommend whitening procedures before installing crowns. It allows dentists to make better shade match. 

Which shade is right?

It is a general assumption that a white shade is better for the teeth. Nevertheless, choosing a shade that does not blend with your natural coloring and complexion can make you look phony. Unnatural white teeth will attract more undesired attention just like stained teeth attract. A color shade chart is used to help the patient determine the proper whitening level. Basic tooth shade categories are –

  • Reddish-yellow
  • Reddish-brown
  • Reddish-gray
  • Gray

The dentist will help to choose a suitable shade for your appearance that gives you a bright and confident smile.

Is charcoal better for tooth whitening?

Charcoal tooth whitening has been hyped to be the best but in reality; it can damage and discolor your teeth permanently. The coal is gritty and abrasive. It can erode the enamel allowing the charcoal to darken the inner dentin layer. Initial stain removal visible with the charcoal product is misleading. Your teeth are not getting whiter but enamel is stripping away the stained layer. Loss of enamel is permanent, so dental experts strongly recommend people avoid these products. 

With the variety of processes associated with teeth whitening Cypress TX, it is essential to ask questions. It helps to stay informed right from the start till finish. After teeth whitening, stay committed to a consistent oral care routine to maintain a healthy mouth and long-lasting benefits.