Interesting Facts About Centipedes

Centipedes are disgusting critters that give residents in San Antonio anxiety and anguish. For a very long time, these multi-legged critters have been scurrying around and reproducing in houses unless treated with San Antonio, TX pest control. Knowing the precautionary methods to get rid of these eerie animals is vital because this is the period when pests start to appear around houses and businesses. Here are some fascinating facts you might find intriguing, whether you’re worried about house centipede problems or just interested in why these insects attack homes!

Centipedes do not pose a threat

Despite being deadly and capable of injecting poison to kill their prey, centipedes are typically not a threat to people. Their venom does not really injure people, and their jaws can’t easily damage the skin. Even though they bite out of self-defense, the pain or swelling may be minimal and resemble a bee sting. Nothing is immediately life-threatening.

Centipedes do not have one hundred legs

Centipedes do not literally have 100 legs, despite what their name suggests. House centipedes actually have 30 legs or 15 pairs. Each leg is incredibly short and approximately the width of a thread. Each body segment has one pair of legs, and there is never an even number of pairs.

If you find centipedes in your home, there are additional pests too.

Many homeowners experience a lot of agony because of centipedes. They consume other pests like insects, spiders, worms, and mollusks as food. There is a probability that when you have centipedes in your home, you also have other insect problems that serve as a smorgasbord for them. Do not ignore these dangers. Pay attention. 

Centipedes move quickly

These ominous beasts hunt their prey quickly. They can move quite swiftly. Thanks to their numerous legs, a segmented body, and absence of a waxy coating. Centipedes, according to recent studies, may move up to 1.3 feet a second.

Their waxy appearance is deceptive

You might think of centipedes as sticky, unsettling creatures whenever you see one. Truthfully, not all centipedes resemble other arthropods. Some centipedes lack a waxy covering, despite their polished appearance. This is one of the reasons why they reside in such gloomy, soggy environments.

Centipede activity occurs at night

Centipedes are nocturnal creatures. Hunting hour is when they are most active. They prefer to remain inside the dark, damp sections of the home during the day. Some of the most typical locations to see these creatures include bathrooms, sinks, or bathtubs.