5 Logo Mistakes to Avoid

Creating a strong logo for your company should play a huge part in your business marketing strategy. If you don’t have the right logo to represent your brand, you’re going to be in big trouble right from the start.

You might not be able to create a logo that is as iconic as the logos for companies like Apple, McDonald’s, or Nike. But you can come up with something that you’ll be proud to include in your company marketing strategy.

You can do it by steering clear of some of the most common logo mistakes that companies make when designing logos for a company marketing plan. Here are five mistakes to avoid at all costs.

1. Going With the First Logo You Can Come Up With

Designing a logo is hard. It’s not something that you’ll be able to do in five minutes.

If it only takes you that long to design a logo, you probably didn’t come up with the best version of a logo possible. You should brainstorm tons of different ideas and tinker with a logo’s design until it’s perfect.

2. Making a Logo That Looks Like Another Company’s Logo

Prior to designing a logo, it’s a good idea to look around at the logos for other companies. You might be inspired by doing this.

But you should make sure that you don’t get a little too inspired and create a logo like looks exactly like another company’s logo. That will be embarrassing once you start using the logo as part of your business marketing strategy.

3. Incorporating Too Many Elements Into a Logo

Your company logo doesn’t necessarily need to be a straight line and nothing else. But at the same time, you shouldn’t try to cram too much into it.

If you stick too many elements into a logo, it’s going to result in it looking way too busy. This will turn many people off and cause them to look right past your logo.

4. Picking the Wrong Colors for a Logo

Selecting the right colors for a logo will be of the utmost importance. The colors that you choose will evoke certain emotions in people and provide them with a specific feeling when it comes to your company.

If your logo brings out the wrong emotions and feelings in people, it’ll be problematic. It’s why you should experiment with different colors to see which ones will work best for your logo.

5. Using Janky Software to Create a Logo

As you’ve seen over and over again here, your business logo is going to be an essential part of your print marketing campaign and your business marketing strategy as a whole. So you should not use just any old software to bring it to life.

You don’t have to spend a small fortune on a logo. But you should utilize the right logo design program so that your logo looks as good as it possibly can.

Making These Logo Design Mistakes Could Cripple Your Business Marketing Strategy

You want your business marketing strategy to be as strong as it can be. But it’ll be difficult to guarantee this when you don’t have a great logo.

You should make sure that you’re able to design an incredible logo by avoiding each and every mistake listed here. It’ll make your logo memorable and ensure that it does its job.

Browse through our other blog articles to find more marketing tips for your business.