4 New Hire Gift Ideas to Welcome Employees to the Company

Did you know that the US saw 75.6 million new hires in 2021?

When you welcome a new member to your team, you want to help them feel as at home as possible. Some fun new hire gifts are a great way to show your excitement as you onboard a new member.

But what makes a good new hire gift? This guide showcases some of the best corporate gifts available today.

Read on for some inspiration!

1. Office Supplies

Providing the essentials a new employee will need is a great way to welcome them into the office.

The most basic yet important component of every employee welcome kit is office supplies. Ensuring that new team members have them in their welcome package eliminates the need for them to find them on their own.

An office supplies gift should contain everything that an employee would need on a daily basis at work. These necessities and their absence can have a significant influence on the ease with which work can be completed.

2. Fun Employee Handbook

While a traditional employee handbook emphasizes the rules and regulations, a fun employee handbook highlights the fun side of your corporate culture. A fun employee handbook can demonstrate what makes the corporate culture so distinctive and engaging.

It’s a great opportunity for new employees to get to know the team and become enthusiastic about becoming a part of it. Your fun employee handbook should include bios of the staff, a schedule of out-of-work activities, and any other fun aspects of your office culture.

3. Gift Cards

Gift cards are the perfect company gift for new hires. You don’t know exactly what your new hire’s interests are, so buying them a gift card ensures that they’ll end up with something they love.

Combine your gift card with a custom message to create thoughtful, personalized new hire gifts. A handwritten message from the CEO and senior executives instills pride and a sense of belonging in a new employee.

Personalize the message by including what the firm stands for and what it expects from its employees.


SWAG (Stuff We All Get) from the company is a wonderful welcome to any new employee. Company SWAG is all the excellent company-branded merchandise that every new employee looks forward to receiving.

Water bottles, coffee mugs, t-shirts, and notebooks are just a few examples of what can be made into company SWAG.

Inscribing individual employees’ names on generic business SWAG goods is a terrific way to give a personal touch. Check out Axomo’s HR swag platform for great ideas on company SWAG.

Awesome New Hire Gifts For You

Finding a great gift for new employees is an important part of welcoming them to the team and helping them get settled into their new roles.

By giving new hire gifts to recruits, you’ll lay the foundation stone of a mutually beneficial working relationship for the future.

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