A Guide to the Different Types of Dental Implants

Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. In the United States, it affects nearly half of those above the age of 30.

The good news is that it’s preventable with proper dental care. For those with symptoms, however, treatment will be necessary.

For example, you may need dental implants if you have missing teeth. If anything, they’re one of the most common dental procedures performed today.

What are the different types? How do they work? Find out all that and more by reading the rest of this post!

1. Single Tooth Implant

A single tooth implant is ideal if you have one tooth missing and want to replace it for comfort, aesthetics, and function. It consists of an implanted titanium post, which is attached to a crown via an abutment.

With proper care, they can last up to 25 years, sometimes longer. At the end of the day, it all depends on how well you look after your teeth.

How much do they cost? Between $3,000 and $4,000, assuming that you get it done at a local dentist. The cost will be higher if you go to a periodontist.

2. Implant-Supported Bridge

Implant-supported bridges, also known as ‘fixed bridges’, are a good option for those who have several missing teeth. Functionally, they’re very similar to traditional bridges. The only difference is that they’re connected to dental implants rather than natural teeth.

That is, instead of being held in place by neighboring teeth, they’re anchored to the jawbone with multiple dental implants (the exact number will depend on the number of missing teeth).

As such, they’re often used for those who don’t have enough natural teeth to support a conventional bridge. Price-wise, they usually cost between $4,000 to $15,000.

3. All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are ideal for those who’ve lost a full arch of teeth. They consist of four dental implants, which are placed at precise angles on the upper or lower jaw; these implants will then serve as an anchoring point for a long-lasting denture (click for all-on-4 implants information).

Not only are they less invasive than other restorative treatments (e.g. bone grafting), but there are minimal dietary restrictions as well (once the mouth has healed). And since they’re permanent, you won’t have to worry about them shifting or falling out.

Depending on the dental practice, they can cost anywhere from $12,000 to $25,000 per jaw.

Understanding Different Dental Procedures

Dental implants are one of the most common dental procedures when it comes to replacing lost teeth. And as you can see, there are several types, all of which look and feel like the real thing. For those who are interested, talk to your dentist!

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