What You Should Do When A Loved One Dies

It can be overwhelming to think about the day when someone close to them dies, as it is never easy to lose someone. Loss is a natural aspect of life, but no matter how prepared you are, you may find that bidding farewell will always be something out of your depth. 

While it is challenging to look for something that can assuage the pain and grief you are experiencing, having a list of what you should do when someone dies can help ease the feelings even just a bit. Here is a guide on what you should do when you lose someone you love. 

What To Do When A Loved One Dies

  1. Obtain a Legal Death Pronouncement. Usually, someone in authority, like a doctor or hospice nurse, officially declares the death of your loved one. If no doctor or nurse is present or your loved one dies at home, call 911. Their body can be transported to an emergency room and declared deceased. 
  2. Arrange for the transportation of the body. A morgue or crematorium can pick up the body if no autopsy is required. You can choose various mortuary services near me
  3. Notify close family and friends. Make a phone call and inform each appropriate person of the passing. As much as possible, tell the immediate family and friends first before contacting co-workers or acquaintances. 
  4. Fulfill end-of-life wishes. Many people express their wishes for end-of-life arrangements through a last will or testament or verbally convey these wishes to close and fundamental individuals, such as a doctor, significant other, friend, or family. 
  5. Prepare for a funeral or memorial service. Choose a funeral home and coordinate with them to organize and facilitate any end-of-life ceremonies or funeral rituals.
  6. After the funeral, arrange for burial or cremation, depending on whether your loved one specified what they preferred. You can also place cemetery saddle flowers for a lovely floral centerpiece on the cemetery plot. 
  7. Knowingsomeone has passedcan invite theft from criminals or well-intentioned family members seeking to claim valuable items. Ensure that your beloved’sbelongings are protected by locking their home and car. Contact a trustworthy friend or family member to help you andserve as a witness to your activities to avoid any family problems or accusations.
  8. Get a death certificate. You can request the certificate at the funeral home. Make sure to have multiple copies to give to financial institutions, insurers, and government agencies. 
  9. Allow yourself time to grieve. Everyone has different ways to grieve; use healthy means to mourn the death of your loved one, like journaling or taking a walk. Try not to give yourself a deadline for moving on from the loss, as this will overwhelm you further. 

Recall and honor the life of your loved one

Sunset Hills is a memorial park and mortuary based in Apple Valley, California. They provide affordable cremation and burial, funeral home and services, and mortuary. 

Visit their website www.sunsethills.cc/ for more information or contact them at (760) 247-0155 for inquiries.